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Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі

С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университеті


050207 "Аударма ісі"

мамандығының студенттеріне арналған әдістемелік материалдар


Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі

С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университеті

Филология, журналистика және өнер факультеті

Аударма теориясы мен практикасы кафедрасы


050207 "Аударма ісі"

мамандығының студенттеріне арналған әдістемелік материалдар




УДК 81’25(07)

ББК 81.2-7-923


С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университетінің филология, журналистика және өнер факультетінің аударма теориясы мен практикасы кафедрасының отырысында

басуға ұсынылды


филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент Ғ. Е. Имамбаева;

педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент А. Қ. Қайырбаева

Құрастырушы: Г. Х. Демесінова

А91 Аударма теориясы: 050207 "Аударма ісі" мамандығының

студенттеріне арналған әдістемелік материалдар / құраст.

Г. Х. Демесінова. – Павлодар : Кереку, 2010. – 135 б.

Бұл әдістемелік материалдарда студенттің аударматану аясын көрнекі көмектесу үшін «Аударма теориясы» курсы бойынша дәрістердің теориялық қағидаларына тілдік және нобайлық бейнелер беріліп отыр.

УДК 81’25(07)

ББК 81.2-7-923

© Демесінова Г. Х., 2010

© С. Торайғыров атындағы ПМУ, 2010

Материалдық дурыс болуына, грамматикалық және орфографиялық қателерге авторлар мен құрастырушылар жауапты


Being a linguistic discipline, linguistic theory of translation makes a wide use of data and methods of investigation of other section of linguistics: grammar, lexicology, semasiology, stylistics, socio-linguistics, psycholinguistics and others. For the general theory of translation very important is extrapolation onto its object of general linguistic postulates about the language as a means of communication, about the language as a system and as a sum of speech realizations, about 2 planes of lingual units, about the relation of the language to logical categories and the real world phenomena.

Translation is a means of ensuring the possibility of communication between people, speaking different languages. That’s why very important for the theory of translation are communicative linguistics data about the peculiarities of speech communication process, of direct and oblique speech acts, about the ratio of the expressed and the implied sense in an utterance and a text, the influence of context and the situation of communication upon understanding of the text, other factors, defining the person’s communicative behaviour.

A very important method of investigation in linguistics of translation is comparative analysis of translations, i.e. the analysis of the form and the contents of the target text (TT) and those of the source text (ST). These texts are objective facts that can be observed and analyzed. In the process of translation certain relations between the two texts in different languages (ST and TT) are established. Comparing them makes it possible to disclose the inner mechanism of translation, to reveal units of equivalence, and also to find out changes in form and contents, that may take place in the process of substitution of the ST unit by an equivalent TT unit. Doing this makes possible the comparison of two or more translations of the same ST. The comparative analysis of translations gives the possibility to clear out, how typical difficulties, connected with the specific character of each of the languages, of translation are overcome, and also what ST elements are left behind unexpressed in the TT. As the result, we get the description of “translation facts” that give a picture of the real process.

The comparative analysis of translations as a method of linguistic investigation is based on the assumption that the totality of translations, made at a certain chronological period, may be regarded as the result of optimal solution of the whole complex of translation problems at a given level (stage) of development of translation theory and practice. The use of this method implies also, that the result of the translation process reflects its essence. Each translation is subjective in the sense that any utterance being the result of a speech action of a separate person. The choice of the variant of translation is to a certain degree dependent on the qualification and individual faculty of a translator. But the subjective character of translation is restricted by the necessity to render with maximum completeness the contents of the ST, and the possibility of such rendering depends on relations between the systems and the peculiarities of functioning of the two languages objectively existent and not dependent on the translator. Thus, translation is a subjective realization of objective relations by the translator. Subjectivity of translation does not prevent the objective scientific analysis, nor does subjectivity of speech utterances prevent extracting from them objective facts about the system of this or other language. In some translations there may be mistakes, that misrepresent (distort) the actual character of translational relations between the ST and the TT units, but having sufficient volume of material such mistakes are easily found out and removed.

Comparative analysis of translations gives the possibility to get information about correlation of certain elements of the ST and the TT, conditioned by relations between the languages involved, as well as by extralinguistic factors, influencing the procedure of the translation process. An additional method of getting such information is “interrogation of informers”. Informers are bilingual people having the necessary experience of translation. In the process of interrogation the informer is offered for translation parts of the ST that contain lexical or syntactical structures presenting certain translational difficulties.

The given manual is mainly based on the comparison of originals and translations for the students to see the main rules, regularities and aspects of the general and bilingual theory of thanslation.

1 Theory of Translation. Object and Objectives

table 1 - Theory of translation and its sections










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